This is my first bead embroidered collar, I am not a patient person so I never thought I could finish something like this (even if it's not really big). But I'm very happy I did, and I'm happy with the result too, though it is not the final form. I still love the beetle wings and I think the color of the Swarovski crystal fits them well.
Gyöngyhímzett nyakék / Bead embroidered collar
Alapvetően türelmetlen jószág vagyok, ezért megszenvedtem ezzel a nyakékkel, pedig nem olyan nagy :) De azért nagyon örülök hogy kész lett, és az eredmény nagyon tetszik, ugyan ez még nem a végleges formája, kicsit még módosítok majd rajta. A bogárszárny még mindig nagyon tetszik, szerintem passzol hozzá a Crystal vitrail medium Swarovski. :)
This is my first bead embroidered collar, I am not a patient person so I never thought I could finish something like this (even if it's not really big). But I'm very happy I did, and I'm happy with the result too, though it is not the final form. I still love the beetle wings and I think the color of the Swarovski crystal fits them well.
This is my first bead embroidered collar, I am not a patient person so I never thought I could finish something like this (even if it's not really big). But I'm very happy I did, and I'm happy with the result too, though it is not the final form. I still love the beetle wings and I think the color of the Swarovski crystal fits them well.
Zöld királynő nyaklánc / Green empress necklace
Készült az előző bogaras gyűrűhöz egy gyöngyhímzett medál is, amit eredetileg nem ilyennek terveztem ugyan, de menet közben így alakult :) A bogárszárny mellett egy Swarovski is csillog benne. Csak egy egyszerű többsoros gyöngysort kapott de gondolatban már továbbfejlesztettem :) A báli szezonra is jó lehet :)
I created this bead embroidered necklace to match the beetle ring in the previous post, I didn't plan it this way, but my plans almost always change while I work :) This time I added a sparking Swarovski crystal to the beetle wing too, and although the pendant is on a simple multi strand necklace now, I plan to work on it a bit more.
I created this bead embroidered necklace to match the beetle ring in the previous post, I didn't plan it this way, but my plans almost always change while I work :) This time I added a sparking Swarovski crystal to the beetle wing too, and although the pendant is on a simple multi strand necklace now, I plan to work on it a bit more.
Gyöngyhímzett bogárgyűrű / Bead embroidered beetle ring
Egyszerű gyűrű de különleges mégis a bogárszárny miatt, sikerült végre gyűrűbe is beépítenem :) Persze mi mással, mint bronz és bogárzöld gyöngyökkel körülvéve. Elég jókora darab lett, szerintem gót lányokhoz is passzolna :))
This is a simple ring, still special, the beetle wing has a gorgeous color! I used my favorite bronze and iris green beads with it. The ring turned out a bit gothic and it's quite large too :) Available in my Etsy Shop!
This is a simple ring, still special, the beetle wing has a gorgeous color! I used my favorite bronze and iris green beads with it. The ring turned out a bit gothic and it's quite large too :) Available in my Etsy Shop!
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