A kabosont delicákkal foglaltam be, és a török csempék színeiben, kobaltkék, fehér és piros gyöngyökkel hímeztem a "levél" formát, amit gyakran látni a csempéken és falakon festve.
Ha van kedvetek, látogassatok el December 9 és 15. között az Etsy Beadweavers Team blogjára (http://www.etsy-beadweavers.blogspot.com), és szavazzatok a kedvencetekre :)
I created this bead embroided bracelet for the Etsy Beadweavers Team December challenge on the theme "Arabesque style". My challenge piece was inspired by Turkish tiles, I fell in love with the colors and motifs of Iznik pottery during my visit in Istanbul earlier this year.
I brought a few original Iznik porcelain cabochons with beautiful arebesque flower and scroll motifs, glazed with gorgeous turquoise. I used one of these cabs and surrounded it with delica and seed beads in the colors of Turkish tiles,cobalt blue, turquoise white and red. The shape is also typical of Ottoman tiles and wall paintings.
Please visit our team blog, www.etsy-beadweavers.blogspot.com (http://www.etsy-beadweavers.blogspot.com) between the 9th and 15th and vote for your favorite entry.