Ok it is perhaps a bit too posh to say these are my new 'jewelry collections' but at least these are the new pieces I was working on (some new polymer clay pieces) while staying at home sick at the beginning of this year. As Valentine's day is coming soon I of course made some new heart-shaped pieces with patterns I have already used. The other 'collection' is about traditional Hungarian embroidery patterns (Kalocsai and Matyó) that so far I have refused to use as they were 'too popular' in the past few years and I did not want to copy anyone. But in fact I like these patters so I decided to make jewelry using them, my way. Let me know what you think of them :) They are available in my Etsy shop.
Új kollekciók / New jewelry collections
Kicsit nagyzoló persze ez a "kollekció" de hát így szokás mondani ha egy csapat új dolog készít valaki :) Az idei évemnem indult túl jól, de közben gyurmaékszereken azért dolgozgattam, ennek eredményeképp készült a szíves Bálint napi kollekció és néhány vadiúj, magyaros (Kalocsai, Matyó) mintás ékszer. Eddig nagyon ellenálltam a magyaros gyurmaékszereknek mert nem akartam senkit utánozni, de megadtam magam és a saját módszeremmel készítettem néhányat. A Facebookon már bemutattam őket, a blogot igaz kissé elhanyagoltam az utóbbi időben (no nem mintha a Fb-on nagyon aktív lennék, alig van időm a munka mellett) de nem akartam kihagyni hogy itt is megmutassam őket. Mit szóltok hozzá? Ha valaki esetleg tud egy igazán jó helyet ahol a matyó és kalocsai mintákat bemutatják (sajnos kissé homályban vagyok ilyen téren a nagy divat ellenére), nagyon örülnék neki :) Az ékszerek kaphatók a Meska boltomban, vagy megrendelhetők emailben (cím az oldalsávban vagy a Kapcsolat fülön).
Ok it is perhaps a bit too posh to say these are my new 'jewelry collections' but at least these are the new pieces I was working on (some new polymer clay pieces) while staying at home sick at the beginning of this year. As Valentine's day is coming soon I of course made some new heart-shaped pieces with patterns I have already used. The other 'collection' is about traditional Hungarian embroidery patterns (Kalocsai and Matyó) that so far I have refused to use as they were 'too popular' in the past few years and I did not want to copy anyone. But in fact I like these patters so I decided to make jewelry using them, my way. Let me know what you think of them :) They are available in my Etsy shop.
Ok it is perhaps a bit too posh to say these are my new 'jewelry collections' but at least these are the new pieces I was working on (some new polymer clay pieces) while staying at home sick at the beginning of this year. As Valentine's day is coming soon I of course made some new heart-shaped pieces with patterns I have already used. The other 'collection' is about traditional Hungarian embroidery patterns (Kalocsai and Matyó) that so far I have refused to use as they were 'too popular' in the past few years and I did not want to copy anyone. But in fact I like these patters so I decided to make jewelry using them, my way. Let me know what you think of them :) They are available in my Etsy shop.
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