Ok it is perhaps a bit too posh to say these are my new 'jewelry collections' but at least these are the new pieces I was working on (some new polymer clay pieces) while staying at home sick at the beginning of this year. As Valentine's day is coming soon I of course made some new heart-shaped pieces with patterns I have already used. The other 'collection' is about traditional Hungarian embroidery patterns (Kalocsai and Matyó) that so far I have refused to use as they were 'too popular' in the past few years and I did not want to copy anyone. But in fact I like these patters so I decided to make jewelry using them, my way. Let me know what you think of them :) They are available in my Etsy shop.
Új kollekciók / New jewelry collections
Kicsit nagyzoló persze ez a "kollekció" de hát így szokás mondani ha egy csapat új dolog készít valaki :) Az idei évemnem indult túl jól, de közben gyurmaékszereken azért dolgozgattam, ennek eredményeképp készült a szíves Bálint napi kollekció és néhány vadiúj, magyaros (Kalocsai, Matyó) mintás ékszer. Eddig nagyon ellenálltam a magyaros gyurmaékszereknek mert nem akartam senkit utánozni, de megadtam magam és a saját módszeremmel készítettem néhányat. A Facebookon már bemutattam őket, a blogot igaz kissé elhanyagoltam az utóbbi időben (no nem mintha a Fb-on nagyon aktív lennék, alig van időm a munka mellett) de nem akartam kihagyni hogy itt is megmutassam őket. Mit szóltok hozzá? Ha valaki esetleg tud egy igazán jó helyet ahol a matyó és kalocsai mintákat bemutatják (sajnos kissé homályban vagyok ilyen téren a nagy divat ellenére), nagyon örülnék neki :) Az ékszerek kaphatók a Meska boltomban, vagy megrendelhetők emailben (cím az oldalsávban vagy a Kapcsolat fülön).
Ok it is perhaps a bit too posh to say these are my new 'jewelry collections' but at least these are the new pieces I was working on (some new polymer clay pieces) while staying at home sick at the beginning of this year. As Valentine's day is coming soon I of course made some new heart-shaped pieces with patterns I have already used. The other 'collection' is about traditional Hungarian embroidery patterns (Kalocsai and Matyó) that so far I have refused to use as they were 'too popular' in the past few years and I did not want to copy anyone. But in fact I like these patters so I decided to make jewelry using them, my way. Let me know what you think of them :) They are available in my Etsy shop.
Ok it is perhaps a bit too posh to say these are my new 'jewelry collections' but at least these are the new pieces I was working on (some new polymer clay pieces) while staying at home sick at the beginning of this year. As Valentine's day is coming soon I of course made some new heart-shaped pieces with patterns I have already used. The other 'collection' is about traditional Hungarian embroidery patterns (Kalocsai and Matyó) that so far I have refused to use as they were 'too popular' in the past few years and I did not want to copy anyone. But in fact I like these patters so I decided to make jewelry using them, my way. Let me know what you think of them :) They are available in my Etsy shop.
Megjegyzések küldése (Atom)
These are very pretty. I really like the last one.
Gyönyörűek mind!!!! A népi motívumos medálok is fantasztikusak, nagyon ízlésesen alkottad meg őket!
VálaszTörlésSzerintem nem túlzás rá azt mondani, hogy kollekció :) Nagyon szépek egytől- egyig :)
VálaszTörlésCsodás alkotások, nekem a vajszínű alapon lévő tetszik a legjobban!:)
VálaszTörlésCsodálatosak! A kedvenceim a szív fülik, és az utolsó nyakék..fenomenális! :)
VálaszTörlésThanks Nicole, Köszönöm lányok! :)
VálaszTörlésStopping by to have a look at your blog and follow your journey through the bead soup blog party. This is my first one! Your pieces are beautiful!
VálaszTörlésI am stopping by visiting all the blogs taking part in the BSBP! I'm really looking forward to see what you're going to make...I really like your jewelry :-)